
Dr. Sebastjan Šlajpah, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

The Laboratory of Robotics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana researches and develops automation, robotization and decision-making support systems in the fields of industry, construction, medicine and agriculture. The Laboratory’s members are actively involved in international and national research and industrial projects. Numerous of the suggested solutions have been implemented into regular use. The Collaborative Robotics Centre operates within the framework of the Laboratory focussing on the development and implementation of concepts based on the collaboration of humans and robots.

Dr. Sebastjan Šlajpah is an assistant at the Faculty for Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana. His research field includes the use of industrial and collaborative robots in and outside the industrial environment, the management of robots in interaction with humans, safety in robotics, as well as construction of targeted robotic solutions. Recently, he has been mainly dedicating his time to the automation of laboratory processes, as well as the introduction of robotic solutions in agriculture.

09:45 – 10:45  Presentation of good practices in the use of robots in agriculture